You know when you jump into a major project thinking it won't cost all that much, or that you will have no trouble meeting your deadlines and finish dates? Yea, I remember that from six months ago. Too bad I was wrong in all of my assumptions. That's how these things go. I know, I have done a number of large scale projects (the $800 Liveaboard being by far the biggest and most complicated). So, since I have been roughly calculating what I need in terms of money to get the equipment/supplies/components to finish the boat enough to get her in the water, as well as trying to find a mooring/slip that is in the budget, I have determined that I grossly underestimated the costs involved. To help alleviate the problem of money, I am thinking about taking on a 3rd job (or second boat fund job) coaching sailing. Part of it is because I love sailing, coaching, and SailMaine, but it is also because I need to finish the boat project to where I can safely live aboard so that the boat (and myself) do not wear out our welcome in our winter homes. This means on top of the 50 hours a week I already work, I will be adding roughly another 10-12 hours of coaching to my schedule. I must be crazy, or love sailing a whole hell of a lot.....
PS- In case you were doubting that I am working my ass off to afford this project, I submit the above as proof of point. I don't have a trust fund, parents that are paying my bills, or any other assumption that I am rich. Could I do this project more cheaply? Absolutely, but I do not want to sacrifice safety or quality to get it done, nor do I want to get rid of things like my truck that I use daily to commute to my several jobs.
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