First, to set up the base (sills) for the shed to sit on, I was supposed to be able to just pound the stakes into the ground. I didn't account for the fact that I had a rock bed put in for the boat to sit on. I ended up having to dig the holes for each stake to go in.
Once the stakes were all in place, a rail (2 2x6's) was fastened to the stakes. This is what the base of the bows for the shed will sit on, and be bolted to. With 3 foot deep stakes, this should keep the shed from lifting and blowing away.
I was also able to get a hand full of bows made. The first ones were a little strange to build, but once I got the idea of how the jig worked, as well as picking pieces that were less likely to break than others. This shed is going to be pretty cool when I get it done. Now all I have to do is make time for building more bows......